July 16, 2011

The most beautiful girl

About two years ago I had the chance to spend my nights at a gristmill
working on one very special film,
There was the old part of the mill which is not in use
but still so beautiful.
I was mainly busy taking photos of the place
and of one beautiful girl name Vered.

June 26, 2011

Smoked purple

On my way to the beach yesterday everything around was smoked purple happy pink, really pretty:)

And in Jerusalem last week I found beautiful lace

Be LoVe


April 29, 2011

March 25, 2011

Lotus Flower

Amsterdam 2011

Back home, woke up at noon totally confused,
like my body is here
but I
am somewhere in between.
Then the first mail I read was letting me know my sterling silver recycled jewelry
are featured at Aquila -in an article on Halal, ethical and eco-friendly brands.
Aquila Asia is The First English-Language Magazine for Cosmopolitan Muslim Women in SEA.
I was happy, very.

Then the next thing to put a big smile on my face was this brilliant song & video.

Friday evening here.

Be LoVe

March 19, 2011

March 1, 2011

The treasure box..

New Jewelry at the shop.

I wanted to give the feeling you are digging in a treasure box
So I took a different style of photos,
I quite like the result
What do you think?

Happy March

Be LoVe

* Sing up to my Newsletter to receive March special offer *

February 15, 2011

February 2011

Last night i went to Jerusalem,
The weather was perfect which made Jerusalem so golden, beautiful and full with love.

Jerusalem 2011

Be love